রবিবার, ২৯ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১৩

Important guidelines for CVV 400

1. Study the concepts from the semester final questions of 4-2
2. Study the concepts from the semester final questions of 4-1
3. Follow the guidelines of previous post for basic  concept.
4. Be confident.    

guidelines for CVV 400, Spring 13

Introduction to Business
BUS (101)

Q. What is Business?
Q. Define the Core Concept of Business Term:. Product, Needs, Wants, Demands.
Q. What is market?
Q. What is Industry?
Q. What is Merger?
Q. What is Marketing?
Q. What is Management?
Principles of Banking
FIN (205)

¨Commercial Bank
¨Function of Commercial Bank:
¨Central Bank.
¨Selective Credit Control
¨Bill of Exchange
¨Promissory Note
Financial Accounting-I
ACN (111)

Q. What is the Basic Accounting equation?
Q. Define terms Asset Liabilities, Owner’s equity, Investment by owner, Revenues, Drawing, and Expense.
Q. What is Double Entity System?
Q. Indicates the Debit and Credit procedure
    Normal balance of Assets, Liabilities, Owner’s equity, Revenue, Expense, Drawing
Q. What is Depreciation?
Q. What is Liquidity?
Q. Define terms:  current asset current liabilities intangible assets long term investment long term liabilities. Stock holder’s equity.
Q. What is Gross profit?

Business Math
* Simple interest
* Compound interest
* Annuity
* Sinking Fund
* Percentage
* Decimals
* Revenue function
* Cost Function
* Profit function
* Break-Even point
* Union of sets
* Intersection of sets
* Differentiation
* Integration
* Marginal cost, revenue and profit

                             Financial Accounting-II
ACN (211)

¨ Inventorial costs consists of two elements
¨ Inventory turnover
¨ Costs of goods sold
¨ Receivable
¨ Accounts Receivable (A/R)
¨ A/R turn over ratio
¨ Goodwill
Q. What are the basic ownership rights of common stockholders?
¨ Authorized Stock
¨ Preferred Stock
¨ Bonds
¨ Face Value

Suffixes using –er, -or, -ee, -ist-able, -ible, -ise, -ment, -ity, -hood, -ship—ive, -al, -ous, -ful, -less,ify
Prefixes using anti, auto, bi, ex, micro, mis, mono, multi, over, post, pro, pseudo, re, semi, sub, under
Global problems: earthquake, hurricane, tornado, typhoons, volcanoes, explosions, war, civil war, plane crash, folds, drought, famine, epidemic, causalities, victims, survivors, refugees, dead and wounded
Health and medicine: rash, bruise, lump, spots, a black eye, flu, chicken pox, mumps, pneumonia, rheumatism, ulcer, virus, sprain, dislocate, pregnancy, hypochondriac, lung cancer, heart attack, brain hemorrhage, AIDS
Modern technology: Modem, camcorder, robot, word-processor, food processor
Crime: murder, shoplifting, burglary, smuggling, arson, kidnapping, verbs connected to crime: commit, accuse, charge, plead guilty, defend/prosecute, pass verdict, sentence, acquit, fine, send to prison, release from prison, to be tried
Trial, case, evidence, proof, verdict, jury
Belief and opinion: convince, held, maintain, feel, reckon, doubt, suspect, ideology, philophy, conviction
Six senses: glance, notice, observe, glimpse, gaze, peer, star, witness
Noiseless, silent, quiet, noisy, loud, deafening, sweet, salty, bitter, sour, spicy, finger, stroke, tap, grasp, grab, snatch, stinking, evil-smelling, smelly, aromatic, scented, fragment, sweet-smelling, perfumed, telepathy, ghosts, UFO, premonitions, intuition, déjà vu
Body does: breathe, yawn, cough, sneeze, sigh, hiccough, snore, burp, chew, rumble, swallow, suck, lick, bite, blink, wink, frown, grin, blush, perspire, sweat, tremble, shiver, and shake

Grammar: present perfect and past, Articles, prepositions

Principles of Microeconomics
¨Define: Economics
¨Opportunity costs
Q. What is demand law?
Q. Why demand curve shifts to the right?
Q. What is demand function?
Q. What is the equilibrium price?
Q. What is elasticity of demand?
Q. What is utility?
Q. What is marginal utility?
Q. What is total utility?
Q. What is the law of diminishing marginal utility?
Q. What is total, average and marginal product?
Q. What is productivity?
Q. What are short and long run in production?
Q. What are total, fixed and variable costs?
Q. What is marginal cost?
Q. What are imperfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly and monopolistic competition?
Business Communication
BCN (201)

¨Steps of communication cycle
Q. What is downward communication?
Q. What is upward communication?
Q. What is grapevine?

Q. What are the major parts of a report?
Q. What is agenda?
Q. What is a minute?


Business Statistics-I
MIS (201
¨Types of diagrams:
¨Measures of central tendency
¨Importance Measure of Central tendency:
1. Arithmetic mean
2.Geometic mean
3. Harmonic mean
4. Median
5. Mode
¨Measure of Dispersion
¨Significance of Dispersion:
¨Different Measure of Dispersion:
¨Standard Deviation
¨Coefficient of Variation
¨Coefficient of Correlation
Organizational Behavioral
MHR (203)

¨Type of Communication
1. Formal Communication:
       2. Informal Communication
¨Mc Gregoris theory X and theory Y.
¨ Maslow need’s theory:
¨Hertzberg’s two Factors model
¨Reasons / why conflict exists:
Q. What is Perception?
Q. What is learning?
Q. What are motives?
Q. What is motivation?
Q. What is Attitude?
¨Components of Attitude.
Q. What is Leadership?
¨Different types of leadership style:
¨Advantage & Disadvantage of leadership style:

Principal Of Macroeconomics
ECN (211)

Q. What is macroeconomics?
Q. What is fiscal policy?
Q. What is monetary policy?
Q. What is aggregate demand?
Q. What is aggregate supply?
Q. What is GDP and GNP?
Q. What is price inflation? How can it be kept under control?
Q. What is the MPC?
Q. What is the MPS?
Q. What is multiplier?
Q. What is money?
Q. What is Barter?
Q. What is stock market?
Q. What is financial market?
Or, What are the credit control measures of central bank?

Business Statistics-II
MIS (203)

¨Trial or Event
¨Types of Sampling
¨Sampling Distribution
¨Standard error
¨Null hypothesis and Alternative hypothesis


Business Law
BLW (201)

  • Misrepresentation
¨Types of Company
(1) Private Company
(2) Public Company
¨Share Certificate


Principle of Management
MHR (201)

There are two organizational goals:
1) Efficiency:
2) Effectiveness
¨The function of management:
¨Managerial skills:
¨Competitive advantage
¨Definition of job specialization:
¨Scientific Management theory:
¨Fayol's principles of management: Henry Fayol’s identified in principle:
¨Theory z:
¨Contingency theory:
¨International business:
 ¨Regional firm:
 ¨Multinational business
¨Global business
Q. What is decision making?
Q. What are the steps in the decision making process?
Q. Why planning is important?
Business Environment
A. Internal factors:
B. External factors: Are two types
a) Macro Environment:
\      b) Micro Environment:
¨Benefits from MNCs
¨ISO 9000 for Quality Management:
ISO 9000, 9004……Establish guideline for operation.
ISO 9001………….. Represents highest level of quality raising from design and development through procurement, production installation and servicing.
ISO 9002…………...Model for quality assurance procurement, production installation
ISO 9003………….. Model for quality assurance in final inspection of production

Risk and Insurance Management

 ¨Return of premium
¨Marine Insurance:
 ¨ Marine Perils:
¨Fire Insurance
¨Definition of life Insurance

Operation and Production Management
IMG (301)


¨ CPM:
¨Total Quality Management (TQM):
¨ Layout Planning:
¨ Inventory Management:
¨ Benchmarking:
¨ Malclm Baldrige National Quality Award:
¨ ISO 9000:
¨ ISO 1400:
¨ Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM):
¨ Computer Aided design (CAD):
 ¨ Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM):
¨ Job Enlargement
 Job Enrichment:
 ¨ Job Rotation
¨ Project:
Management Information System
MIS (303)

¨Information System:
¨Computer hardware:
¨Computer software
¨Digital firm
¨Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce)
¨Electronic Business (E-Business):
1.       Transaction processing system (TPS)
2.       Management information system (MIS)
3.       Decision support systems (DSS)
4.       Exclusive support system (ESS)
¨Supply Chain Management:
¨Customer relationship management (CRM):
¨Artificial Intelligence (AI):
¨Categories of E-Commerce:
  1. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
  2. Control Unit (CU)
Managerial Accounting

¨Difference between managerial accounting and financial accounting:
¨ Just in time
¨Total quality management (TQM)
    ¨ Decentralization
¨High low method.
 ¨Job order costing
¨ Process costing
¨Break even point
¨Contribution margin

Marketing Management

MKT (301)

¨Marketing Management:
1. Negative demand:
2. No demand:
3. Latent demand:
4. Decline demand:
5. Irregular demand
6. Full demand:
. Overfull demand:
¨Marketing Mix:
Marketing Program:
Q: Relationship between 4P’s & 4C’s  describe it?
Q. Explain the levels of product?
¨ Product mix decision:
a. Width:
b. Length:
c. Depth:
d. Consistency:
¨Product line decisions:
¨ Service marketing:
  ¨ Characteristics of service:
¨Three additional P’s are-
¨Pricing methods
 ¨ Market leader strategies
¨MKT channel:

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
MGT (305)
¨Definition of Entrepreneur:
¨Definition of Entrepreneurship:
¨Types of Entrepreneurship
¨List Six American company’s name:
¨Comparative Characteristics of Entrepreneur, Intrapreneur and Traditional Manager:

MIS 305: Operation research:
Game theory: 2 person zero sum game, Saddle point, Minimax value, Maximin value,Pure strategy, Mixed Strategy
Transportation theory: N-E corner method, Least cost method, VAM, Stepping stone, MODI, Initial feasible solution, Optimum solution.
Assignment method: uses, Hangarian technique, Unbalanced Matrix, Dummy row, Dummy Column
Queuing theory: Single server model, Multiple server model, µ, λ,
Inventory model: EOQ, Safety stock, Stockout cost, Inventory cost, Carrying cost, holding cost, Optimum cost.
Simulation technique

International Business
IBS (301)

Q. What do you mean by International Business?
Q. Why companies engage International Business?
Q. What is Internalization?
Their internalization may be of different forms, these forms are:
1. Licensing                            6. Joint venture
2  Frenching                            7.  Strategic alliance
3. Merger                                8. Management contract
4. Acquisition                         9. Turn key projects
5. Foreign direct investment.
¨Joint venture:
 ¨Strategic Alliance
Q. What is Globalization?
¨Import quotas
¨Voluntary Export Restraint (VER):
¨Foreign exchange market:
 ¨Exchange rate:
¨Currency Convertibility:
Managerial Finance-II

                                           FRL (303)

¨Capital Structure:  
¨Capital Structure Theories

¨Net Income Approach
¨Net operating income Approach
Modigliani-Miller Approach
¨Assumption of the MM Approach:
¨Limitation of MM approach:
¨Essential Elements of Leasing:

¨Types of Lease Contracts:
¨Types of Leverage: Three types of leverage:
(1)     Operating leverage
(2)     Financial leverage
(3)     Combine or total leverage.
¨Operating Leverage
¨Financial Leverage:.
¨Combine or total Leverage:
¨Evaluation Technique:
Pay Back Period (PBP)
(1)     Average Rate of Return (ARR)
(2)     Net Present Value (NPV)
(3)     Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
(4)     Profitability Index (PI)
¨Working Capital Management
¨Concept of Working Capital.
¨Source of working Capital: .
¨Trade Credit:
¨Bank Credit:
¨Mode of Security: (1) Hypothecation (2) Pledge (3) Lien (4) Mortgage (5) Charge.
¨Commercial Paper

Managerial Finance
FRL (301)
¨ Finance
 ¨ Financial management
¨Difference Money market and Capital market:-
¨Agency Problem
¨Agency cost
¨Future value
¨Present value
1. Ordinary annuity
2. Annuity due
¨Loan amortization
¨Time value of  money
¨Simple interest:
¨Compound Interest
¨Discount rate
¨Sources of fund:-
¨Credit term
¨ Capital
¨Cost of capital:
¨ Ratio Analysis:- Ratio can be classified into four brand groups-
  1. Liquidity ratio
  2. Leverage ratios
  3. Profitability ratio
  4. Activity ratio

Human Resource Management
HRM (301)
Q. What is HRM?
¨Basic function of HRM
¨HRM Process
Q. What is labor turn over?
Q. What is the Meaning of Wages?
Q. What is Human Resource Planning?
Q. What is Recruitment?
Q. What are the sources of Recruitment?
Q. What is Selection?
¨Stages in Selection Process:

Introduction to of Marketing
MKT (201)

Q. What is market?
¨The relationship between 4p and 4c:
Q. What are customer and consumer?
.Q. What is Marketing?
Q. What is Demarketing?
¨Customer Satisfaction:
 ¨Strategic business unit:
¨Relationship Marketing:
Q. What is adaptation process?
Q. What is Tele marketing?
¨AIDA Model:
¨Buying situation of business market:
Q. What is market segmentation?
Q. What is market targeting?
Q. What is market positioning?
Q. What is product?
¨Levels of Product
¨Classification of Product: There are two types of Products:
  1. Consumer Product: Includes
  2. Industrial / Business product.
Q. What is new product?
 Q. Describe the new product development process?
Q. What are the steps of product life cycle?
Q. What is the channel of distribution?
Q. Why marketing intermediaries used?
Q. What is price?
Q. What is Promotion?
¨Promotion mix:
¨Personal selling:.
¨Sales Promotion:
Q. What are the function of Promotion?
Q. Why Product Success?
Q. Why Product Failure?
Q. Define Channel of Distribution?
¨New Product  Pricing Strategy: Two types are
1. Skimming Pricing:
2. Penetration Pricing:
¨General Pricing Approach (For Old Product):
 1. Cost plus pricing:tgggtgtgtgtg
2. Value based pricing:
. Competition based pricing:
  i) Going rate pricing.
   ii) Sealed bid pricing.
4. Product bundle pricing:
5. Segmented pricing:
6. Psychological pricing

Strategic Management
MHR (401)

a.      Define business model? Exemplify.
b.      Define Competencies, core competencies and distinctive competencies.
c.       What are the distinctive competencies of Toyota  and  Starbucks?
d.      Draw the process of crafting and executing strategy.
e.      Mention the four tests a resource must pass to be a sustainable competitive advantage.
f.        Identify the external threats and weakness of any company of Sattelite television industry of your country.
g.      Give any three examples of fragmented and emerging industry industries[A1]  each.
h.      Define and exemplify Benchmarking.
i.         Why does  a firm need competitive advantage?
j.        Mention the key[A2]  to gain a competitive advantage.
k.       Give examples from the real world of differentiation themes like Unique taste, Superior service, Prestige, product reliability.
l.        When does a best cost provider strategy work best?
m.    Exemplify Focus strategies from the real world in Cable TV, Internet search Engine and Hospitals.
n.      State three reasons for failure of Strategic Alliance.
o.      What are the necessities of profit sanctuary in global competition?
p.       Why merger-acquisition is considered as much-used strategic option?
q.      Give examples of Forward and backward integration strategies. (at least three of each)
r.       What are the risks of outsourcing strategy?
s.       Distinguish between Typical (Red Ocean) market space and blue Ocean Market Space.
t.        Name the four types of firms those[A3]  can be the target of fresh offensive strategy.
u.      Why do companies expand into foreign market?
v.       Define International vs. Global Completion.
w.     Define the two primary patterns of International Competition.
x.       In which situations Liquidation strategy is considered as wisest option?
y.       Give examples of KSFs for Cell Phone Industry.

Business Research Methodology

¨Objective of Research and Methodology
¨Types of Research      
.¨Steps/ Process of Business Research Methodology
¨Benefits of research design
¨Population elements
¨Characteristics of a good sampling design
¨Types of Sampling
Probability Sampling
Non-Probability Sampling
¨Simple Random Sampling
¨Stratified Sampling
¨Cluster Sampling
¨Relationship between two variables two types of hypothesis testing are-
Null Hypothesis
Alternative Hypothesis
¨Questionnaire Design
¨Open indeed question answer formal

¨Close ended question answer formal

¨Chi-square test

Introduction to Marketing Research

MKT   (409)

¨Marketing research process:
¨Exploratory Research:
¨Descriptive Research:
¨Causal Research:
¨Marketing Research Proposal:
¨Criteria for evaluating secondary data

¨Data Base Marketing:

 ¨Syndicated Sources:


¨Concept of Causality:

¨Conditions for Causality
¨Independent Variables:

¨Dependent Variables:

¨Extraneous Variables:.


Business Logistics
MKT (413)

¨Physical supply
¨Physical distribution: 
¨Physical Distribution Management:
 ¨Decisions affected by transportation are affected transportation decision are:
¨Types of carrier: Carrier can be clarified on the basis of legal forces of transportations:
¨Transportation Rate Structure:
¨Transportation Modes Selection Decision Modes selection decision are:
¨Customer Service: 
¨Elements of customer service three elements of customer service are:
¨Ware housing:
¨Why warehousing is necessary to store goods?
¨Types of ware housing:
       B. Private Ware House.
¨Advantage of private warehouse
¨Why does firm layout its warehouse?
¨Ware house site selection:
¨The function of ware housing
¨Packaging service to basic functions
¨Inventory Management:
¨Why does the firm hold inventory:
¨Types of Inventory:
¨Improving inventory management
¨Customer order cycle:
¨Component of the customer order cycle:
¨Material management:
¨Function of material management:

Consumer Behavior
MKT (401)

  1. Ultimate consumer
   2. Organizational consumer
¨Consumer Behavior:
¨Relationship between consumer behavior and Marketing strategy:
 ¨Marketing program:
¨Consumer decision hierarchy or scope stages:
¨Consumer behavior as they do:
¨Consumer adoption process:
¨Consumer Information processing:
¨Factors affecting involvement level:
¨Consumer Perceptions:
¨Factors determine perception:
Q. Why perception very perception very man to man?
Five steps are given below:
¨Perceived Risk:
 ¨Types of risk:
Q. How does learning occur?
¨Pavlov classical conditioning:
¨The Id:
 ¨The Ego:
¨The super Ego:
 Q. What is Attitude?
Q. How firm or marketer create the new attitude?
¨Stages of personality:
¨Personal Influence:
Q. When personal influence operates?
¨Group Behavior:
 ¨Types of group:
1. Informal group:
2. Formal group:
¨Reference group: